An audio and video podcast of my trip hitchhiking around the world by sea.
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About the Silence

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to give a quick update. I’ve been pretty under the weather recently so I apologize there haven’t been any recent posts. I seem to be finally recovering though so I should get some of these Middle Eastern updates running in the next day or two.  Also so you know what I’ve been going through here is list of a few things I have experienced in the past week or so:

-Concussion and neck injury.
-Flu. Swine or otherwise.
-Back spasms.
-Uncontrolable and unending sweating.
-7 day headache.

To name a few.

*Note. Not all of the aforementioned have been officially confirmed, as I have not actually seen and medical attention as of yet. Based however on what I know and how I feel, my diagnosis is pretty close.


1 John Kimble { 08.24.09 at 12:02 pm }

Sorry to hear you’re having a rough time. Be sure to eat your veggies, take your vitamins, and excercize, kiddo…. I sure hope it’s not God’s way of saying that he has some issues with you hangin out in the Holy Land? Maybe a trip to the Wailing Wall might be in order? Be well, young Jedi.

2 Lindsay { 08.28.09 at 12:13 pm }

derek. i think you have dengue.

3 Emily Irvine { 09.17.09 at 1:32 pm }

Hope you feel better soon!

4 Robin Ayers { 09.17.09 at 4:33 pm }

Hey sounds like viral meningitis…..

5 John Kimble { 09.29.09 at 12:36 pm }

Dude. Dude? Dude! WTF

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